Friday, December 13, 2013


While reading the fault in our stars I came across some interesting words. 

Lacquered - lak-er 
a protective coating consisting of a resin, cellulose ester, or both, dissolved in a volatile solvent, sometimes with pigment added.

Malevolent - muh-lev-uh-luh 
wishing evil or harm to another or others; showing ill will; ill-disposed; malicious: His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful.

Ambiguity -am-bi-gyoo-i-tee
—noun, plural am·bi·gu·i·ties.
doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention: to speak with ambiguity; an ambiguity of manner.

Ontological -on-tl-oj-i-kuh l
of or pertaining to ontology, the branch of metaphysics that studies the nature of existence or being as such; metaphysical: Some of the U.S. founders held an ontological belief in natural rights.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I was looking through my tumblr blog
and came across this and thought it was pretty accurate .. what do you think?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Imagery Paragraph Questions

1.     I selected this particular passage because I liked the scene I was imagining. I like the way the sentence started off ‘ I wanted to tell you about us..’, just that makes it sound like it’s going to be a happy, love, or even just a good story. It appealed to me because I love to hear happy stories or about relationships. I like how this paragraph really makes you think who he is talking too.
2.     The most common type of imagery is visual.
3.     To me the best snippet of imagery would be ‘us running’ & ‘split wine from laughing’. I choose those ones because of the image I got in my head. I picture them being happy together and enjoying wine during the sunset and having a good time.
4.     The imagery is positive, I can tell by the choice of words the author used in the paragraph. ‘Beautiful’, ‘from laughing’, ‘last day of high school’, ‘I was happy’, ‘they were happy’, ‘even let me hug her’, & ‘Congratulations was the word of the day’.
5.     I can tell the author is trying to make us feel happy and enjoy everything at that moment. The feeling how Charlie is finally happy with his life.

6.     I think the purpose of this piece of imagery is showing the true side of Charlie. I feel Charlie just wanted to say something and tell a story and it was a story that came to mind that means something to him.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dialogue and Non Verbal Body Language

" I feel he doesn't like me anymore" stated Alice.
"Aww why?" with a confused look said Dorthy.
"He doesn't treat me the same"
"Do you know why?, There must be a reason" asked Dorthy
" I think I have been getting into to much trouble" said Alice with her eyes so small and sad.
Dorthy gave off a annoyed expression on her face. 
"Maybe you have to change a bit?" stated Dorthy.
Alice said while changing the tone in her voice. " I already do that and it's annoying! "
Alice and Dorthy's bodies were already very close together, Dorthy reached in for a hug in hope Alice would feel better.
"Let's go for a walk" Alice said with a little smile forming on her face.

Non Verbal Body Language