Thursday, November 7, 2013

15 Character Reading Tweets

Charlie's Tweets:

1. Great first kiss #awkward
2. shoot good one Charlie #unhappy
3. Why did I do that again? #wrongdecision
4. What did I do ..... #angrysister
5. I honestly just wish my sister & I would have a normal sibling relationship #hopeful
6. miss you more everyday #auntHelen
7. #prom : people have been waiting for this day a long time but why?
8. It's prom and i'm sitting in my room.
9. I got a perfect score on my math test last week.
10. help, smoking is good or bad?
11. Always wondering if i'm the good friend.. #amI
12. Tonight was interesting, what I will do for my friends. #kisses
13. umm news guy came up to me today #hmm
14. seriously.. what did I say?!?
15. "very easy to read, but very hard to 'read well'. #understandit?

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